Sally and Kt's NZ Experience

Here we are, first ever explorers making our way into uncharted waters. What mysteries we shall discover, dark secrets shall be revealed!

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Misty Mountains

Hello people. Sorry for the wee absence, but we haven't really been up to much activity worth reporting until the last two days, and then we've been so busy with our activity we haven't had time to tell you about it. So I am here to tell you about the beginning of our time in the Blue Mountains, and Sally will add a post about the rest a little later. Unfortunately there can be no pitctures until I find somewhere where I am able to upload them. Apologies.
We travelled up here on Friday, and the view from the train would have been fab I'm sure if it hadn't been covered in mist. The same goes for Katoomba, a lovely town, but our first (and second) viewing was slightly marred by the weather. We alighted the bizarre three story Oz train and headed down the hill to the YHA, which turned out to be a very nice place complete with roaring (albeit gas) fire. Here by the fire we stayed - ignoring the guy's advice that it was still good enough weather to walk - and read until hunger struck. Then t'was that we went to the supermarket, had some tea, read some more, and then went to bed. We have our own little alcove in the room which is ace.
On Sat the weather was much the same, and after waiting for it to improve enough to venture out, we had to settle for a little less rain, and went on a wet walk along the cliffs, past Echo Point (from where you are supposed to be able to see the Three Sisters) and back to the hostel. It was rather drab, but it was nice to feel some fresh mountain air on our lungs. Luckily it all cleared up for yesterday and today, but I shall leave Sally to tell you about that. bye. xx


  • At 9:08 am, Blogger Harthside said…

    Just catching up some on your recent chapters...
    The pictures of Sydney bring back happy memorys of our last visit to Oz!
    The walks and names also seem familiar up in the Blue Mountains, so hope the weather clears and you get some good views... look out for those flaming galahs!

  • At 9:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey ladies! I would quite like to know if these mountains are actually blue?? cos that would be cool! I'm jealous at the fact you have a roaring (gas) fire in your hostel - now that sounds toasty. Looking forward to hearing bout your next bit of adventures. x

  • At 2:59 pm, Blogger Alan D said…

    Bring back some chocolate for us Sal! Well, never mind the us bit, just me, me, me!

    I'm still waiting to hear when/how we can see your cinematic masterpiece!

  • At 3:09 pm, Blogger Katie said…

    Where will you be for your birthday Sal? xx


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